Sunday, May 22, 2005

may 22 pm

I was stopped in the middle of my torrent of words by the announcement of the library closing, and the flood of pasty students emerging from dark rooms, from behind bookshelves and computers, to stream through the doors like the rats after the Pied Piper, united in their rodent recognition of his musical talent. I wonder what he was playing. If i was a rat of Hamelin, the only thing that could make me follow irresistibly would be bad 80s disco music.

I gave a lesson to Lily today which consisted of reading book reviews from the paper- my Dysfunctional Grammarian, under the influence of caffeine, blue skies and an impending full moon accompanied me home in a daze usually only experienced in the early stages of a love affair consisting of equal parts bewilderment and adoration. Once arrived, however, he had to fight it out with the Bureaucrat and the Novelist, both demanding their 5 minutes of fame on my internal stage. (I don't know why but I know that the DG is a man) . If I were to try and predict the final outcome of this battle I would have to say that the Bureaucrat will probably win and that the DG will die of confusion and the Novelist of self consciousness. Here is \Marcin we are going to chat

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